60 Famous Mencius Quotes About Human Nature, Heaven & Kindness
“Never has a man who has bent himself been able to make others straight.”
“Never has a man who has bent himself been able to make others straight.”
“If life is not real, life is not earnest, and the grave is its goal, perhaps it’s ridiculous to take ourselves so seriously.”
“There is nothing scary about naturally talented people, hardworking people are the ones to be afraid of.”
“There is no great invention without a great imagination.”
1. I don’t trust pumpkins. They’re seedy. 2. Feeling fa-boo-lous. 3. A better costume than me? That’s just witch-ful thinking.
“You just don’t make money if you don’t care about people first. “
“You have to have a mind of your own and a strong head on your shoulders.”
“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless.”
“You’re crazy until you’re successful, then you are a genius.”
“If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it because the answer is not separate from the problem.”