70 Inspiring Selena Quintanilla Quotes on Life, Love & Success

"Impossible is always possible." - Selena Quintanilla

In this post we’ll read Selena Quintanilla quotes who was an American singer, songwriter, actress, and fashion designer.

Selena Quintanilla was born into a musical family and began performing at a young age and used to sing in her family’s band, Selena y Los Dinos, alongside her siblings. She gained recognition in the Tejano music scene, a genre that blends traditional Mexican music with elements of country, rock, and pop.

Selena achieved major success with the release of her album “Selena Live!” in 1993, which won a Grammy Award for Best Mexican-American Album.

She was dubbed the “Queen of Tejano Music” and became one of the most popular and beloved artists in both the Latin and mainstream music markets.

Let’s read some of the best Selena Quintanilla quotes on life, love success and music.

Selena Quintanilla Quotes

“Always believe that the impossible is always possible.” - Selena Quintanilla Quote

1. “Always believe that the impossible is always possible.”

2. “I don’t feel pressure because I’m not trying to portray something that I’m not.”

3. “I want to be remembered not only as an entertainer but as a person who cared a lot, and I gave the best that I could. I tried to be the best role model that I possibly could.”

4. “The reason I’m really appreciative of everything that’s going on around me is because of the fact that I never expected it, and I want to keep that attitude.”

5. “If you have a dream, don’t let anybody take it away.”

6. “I’m always planning for my future. The public can support an artist or let them fall.”

7. “The stage is my refuge, where I can be free and true.”

Famous Selena Quintanilla Quotes

Famous Selena Quintanilla Quote

1. “We never thought we’d get this far, but we’re here.”

2. “All I need to do is try and do the best that I can do.”

3. “Anybody can be a role model.”

4. “I’m very real, very sincere, and honest, and that’s how I’ll always be.”

5. “You shouldn’t care for somebody just because of the materialistic things that they have, and I’m a firm believer in that.”

Selena Quintanilla Quotes on Life

Selena Quintanilla Quote on Life

1. “Make the most of your life because it is a gift.”

2. “You get a lot farther in life without drugs.”

3. “The life of an artist is not all glamorous. It’s a lot of work. A lot of people think that it’s very easy. They think you always stay in good hotels, you buy good things, but it is not like that. You have to work very hard like everybody.”

4. “Memories are the bittersweet melody of life.”

Selena Quintanilla Quotes on Family

Selena Quintanilla Quote on Family

1. “The family that plays together stays together.”

2. “What’s cool about our family is that we don’t hold grudges, and I think that’s sort of been the key to the success. We have our disagreements, but whether we’re right or wrong, we’ll just go and apologize. That’s just the way we are.”

3. “My father is the manager of the group. My brother is the producer; he writes and arranges most of the music. My sister is the drummer and my husband is the guitar player. It is a family group, a nice piece of group, the rest of the guys in the band are also considered family.”

4. “My father also treated us EQUAL and we’re not different. We all have talent even if they are in different aspects.”

5. “We went through a hard time, and we had to turn to music as a means to putting food on the table. And we’ve been doing it ever since. No regrets, either.”

6. “…We have a lot of communication, and before getting married we were friends, and that’s the most important thing, being friends before getting married.”

Selena Quintanilla Quotes on Music

Selena Quintanilla Quote on Music

1. “I eat anything, and I’m not preoccupied with my figure. The most important is that the people accept me for my music, not for physical appearances.”

2. “Music can soothe wounds and lift the soul.”

3. “It’s got polka in it, a little bit of country, a little bit of jazz. Fuse all those types of music together. I think that’s where you get Tejano.”

4. “Music is not a very stable business, you know, it comes, and it goes, so does money. But your education stays with you for the rest of your life.”

5. “Tejano music was hard for us because I was a girl. My dad had a lot of problems while trying to set up shows for us or presentations because there are a lot of men who don’t think that women can get the attention of the public. But… wrong!”

6. “Well, when I am singing I am a completely different person. I could be very free, depending on the situation I could do what I want. I could have to deliver, as with many songs, a lot of emotion if a song is very sad, or very happy with a fun song. It depends, it depends. When I’m home, I’m normal, like anyone from the public.”

7. “I started singing when I was six and a half and we’d perform for relatives. My father would do this show-off-the-kids type of thing. I was very shy and I hated it. I used to cry and throw my little tantrums. I didn’t want to sing in front of anybody because I was too shy.”

8. “It’s like a performance, singing. It is like a “show” and I am not like that normally. There are 2 different personalities. Normally I dress in a more modest fashion.”

9. “I hope people understand that when I sing my songs, I am not only singing them because I like to sing them, but I am singing them because I want to touch somebody’s heart. ”

Selena Quintanilla Quotes on Mexican Heritage

Selena Quintanilla Quote on Mexican Heritage

1. “I feel very proud to be Mexican. I didn’t have the opportunity to learn Spanish when I was a girl, but it’s never too late to get in touch with your roots.”

2. “I’m very proud of my roots and ever since I was little we played English music and country music aside from Tejano. It was something very natural for us.”

3. “One thing is that if I ever have children later on, for sure I want my children to know Spanish. It only makes you a better person or even a smarter person to know two languages. If that barrier is not there you can cross both lines, talk to English [speaking] and Spanish [speaking] people, and it gets you a lot farther in business and personal communication.”

4. “Our culture is very beautiful. It’s very romantic. Spanish is a very romantic language. It’s the language of love. I think it’s very sad if we forget where we come from. Because we are who we are. I think the color or our skin is beautiful. I think people should be proud of that.”

5. “It’s really cool to kind of have people come to me and get excited, you know, I don’t see myself that way.”

Selena Quintanilla Quotes on Success & Hard Work

Selena Quintanilla Quote on Success & Hard Work

1. “When you get hard work, you get success.”

2. “No matter how much success you have, maintain your humility.”

3. “When you’ve worked hard for something, success is sweeter.”

4. “Success results from perseverance and dedication. ”

5. “If you work hard to achieve your goals, the rest it’s really easy”

6. “You have to take what you can get when you’re getting started.”

7. “I’m spoiled in the sense that now I get what I want but it’s because I work for it.”

8. “Remember that you have the power to make your dreams come true.”

9. “Have faith in your dreams, even when people don’t.”

10. “All I need to do is try and do the best that I can do.”

11. “With a positive attitude, you can be anything you want to be.”

12. “If you’re gonna be somebody, you need to be a leader, not a follower…be strong-minded, the impossible is always possible.”

Selena Quintanilla Quotes on Business

Selena Quintanilla Quote on Business

1. “Since I was small, when I was in school, I was a business girl. I would buy things to sell, gums for three cents, things like that.”

2. “I lost a lot out of my teenage hood but I gained a lot too. I can’t really say that I lost because I got ahead of everyone as far as career and being more mature about business, even though I didn’t know what the heck was going on.”

3. “We got laughed at, my father was told that we would never make it. It’s a gradual growing process, it’s not like it came overnight.”

Short Inspiring Selena Quintanilla Quotes

Short Inspiring Selena Quintanilla Quote

1. “Self-confidence is the most elegant costume you can wear.”

2. “Inspire others with your words and actions.”

3. “Helping others truly demonstrates strength.”

4. “Dreams are not made to be kept secret, but to be lived with passion.”

5. “Be bold, be yourself, the world is waiting for your shine.”

6. “The smile is the crown that lights up the face of a queen.”

7.Kindness is a language that everyone can understand.”

8. “Always be appreciative of your opportunities.”

9. “Arrange positive influences all around you.”

10. “Have faith in your abilities, and showcase them to the world.”

11. “Face challenges with courage and determination.”

12. “Stay curious and never stop learning.”

These Selena Quintanilla quotes reflect her vigor and her passion about music and her pride on Mexican heritage.

Unfortunately, Selena was tragically murdered by Yolanda Saldívar, the president of her fan club and manager of her boutiques. Despite her early demise, she remains one of the most iconic and influential figures in Latin music history.

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